Christmas Mince Pies with brandy Buttercream Cupcakes #Christmas #Cupcakes

Mince Pie Cupcakes-Almond cupcakes with a lively centre and minced meat topped with brandy buttercream.

Christmas seems to come very fast now (too fast, I still have so many Christmas recipe ideas and no time to share them all!). I am happy to say that I finally finished Christmas shopping which is a great help. Thank goodness for next-day shipping if not I will have a few relatives empty-handed on Christmas morning.

Wrappers next to me, but I wanted to share this festive cupcakes with you first before I get out paper and scissors with a glass of something that is lively and Christmas movies (it is possible that I am using this as an excuse for writing delaying the bundle as it is not my favourite job 🙂).

Mince Pies with brandy Buttercream Cupcakes
Mince Pie Cupcakes-Almond cupcakes with a lively centre and minced meat topped with brandy buttercream.

 The keywords Christmas
 Active time 20 minutes
 Cook time 25 minutes
 Total time 45 minutes
 Serves 6 cupcakes
 515 calories kcal

For cupcakes:

  • 100 g soft butter
  • 100 g caster sugar
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1 tsp almond extract
  • 100 g self-raising flour
  • 25 g ground almonds
  • 120 g minced meat

For brandy buttercream:

  • 75 g soft butter
  • 75 g icing sugar
  • 35 ml brandy
To complete the:

  • Festive sprinkles-optional
  1. Preheat your oven fan 190 170 º C º C.
  2. Stir the butter (100 g) and castor sugar (100 g) until light and fluffy.
  3. Add the eggs (2 eggs) one at a time, beating after each egg is added until fully combined.
  4. Add the almond extract (1 TSP).
  5. Sift self-raising flour (100 g) and land (25 g) almonds and mix until fully combined.
  6. Divide the mixture equally between 6 cupcake cases.
  7. Using the back of a teaspoon to make a dip in the center of each cupcake.
  8. Add one generous teaspoon minced meat into the center of each cupcake (120 grams Total).
  9. Bake for 20-25 minutes until the top gold cupcakes (sadly skewer test does not work on this because meat Central).
  10. Place the cooling rack to cool while you make the buttercream.
  11. To make the buttercream by beating 75 g of butter until soft. Add sugar (75 g) a spoon at a time (such as this will help to prevent sugar fly everywhere) and beat until fully combined.
  12. If you have used a mixer You want to switch to do the next bit by hand. Add Brandy (35ml) gradually to the butter/sugar icing mixture. Beat each addition until fully combined before adding more.
  13. Place the buttercream to pipe in a bag and pipe onto cupcakes.
  14. Top with a few sprinkles.

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