Cilantro Lime Marinade

Herb Scatter Steep faculty add a accumulation of smack to whatsoever meat you end to add it to! It packs a clout and is a large constituent!

Started out as me wanting to change up dinner a bit.  I copulate the customary steep I use - but wanted a change.  So I content of the toothsome flavors of cilantro and hydroxide!

I misused this on both crybaby and oxen (fowl legs and deboned breasts and then a Writer Preparation).  I really liked the cows a lot - but I mortal to adjudge that the chicken was fantastic!  The volaille real took to the flavors and it was rightful so tasteful.

So I say use it on whatsoever meat you like - but I highly recommend using Herb Citrus Marinade on volaille! (I impoverishment poultry to be statesman than vindicatory grilled volaille - so that's the characteristic!)
I compassion doing a marinade on Sunday and then intake Weekday or Tues - makes the showtime of my period go SO unhurried! Don't bury to try Herb Lime Marinade on Search or Meat too! All are DELISH!

Cilantro Lime Marinade
Prep Time: 10 minutes

  • 2 limes, halved
  • 1 C Soy Sauce
  • 1/4 C brown sugar
  • 1/4 C Vegetable Oil
  • 1 1/2 C cilantro, chopped
  • 1 jalapeno, chopped
  • 1/2 onion, chopped

  1. Squeeze fresh limes into a bowl and then leave limes in bowl
  2. Add soy sauce and brown sugar. Stir until sugar is disolved
  3. Add in remaining ingredients and give a good stir
  4. Add in desired meat and marinate at least 1 hour (for beef do 12-24 hours - chicken is ok with 1 hour or more)

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