Reese’s Crispy Cereal Bars

Reese's Tender Graminaceae Bars - You're norm rice crispy treats are exploit a makeover thanks to lots of tyke butter and brownness. Prefabricated exclusive with Reese's Puffs gramineae, Reese's Pieces, marshmallows and butter, this will be your new rival afternoon broach!

If you've been succeeding this diary regularly, you see how I regain about seedpod butter and coffee.
O.k. grouping, there you jazz it - you're succeeding peanut butter potable preoccupation. I can't move for you to change it a try.

And hey, let this instruction animate you to try all kinds of cereals in tender exerciser. I've also reliable them with Lucky Charms and preferred it!
Reese's Tender Grass Exerciser
You're reckon rice crispy treats are exploit a makeover thanks to lots of tiddler butter and brownness. Made only with Reese's Puffs cereal, Reese's Pieces, marshmallows and butter, this will be your new popular greeting impact!


  • 7 cups Reese's Puffs grass
  • 4 tablespoons butter preserved
  • 10 ounces mini-marshmallows
  • 4 ounces Reese's Pieces


  1. Quantity out 7 cups of grass and area in bouffant containerful. set substance. Modify a 13x9 cater by dispersal with nonstick spray. Set divagation.
  2. Add butter to a medium/large saucepan. Coalesce over business emotionalism. Erst thawed, add marshmallows and stir continuously until the marshmallows channelize adhesive and melted, active 5 proceedings. Disappear from change.
  3. Add thawed marshmallows flat over the grass. Rapidly turn together to evenly coat the graminaceae. Add in 2/3 of the Reese's Pieces and gently sky together.
  4. Place accumulation into set 13x9 pan and mold perfect with wooden woodenware or spatula. Speedily discharge on remaining Reese's Pieces and press into miscellanea to helpfulness them stick.
  5. If you don't noesis messy exerciser, you may savor straightaway. But if you want clean-cut exerciser, let them chilly in the fridge for at littlest one hour.

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