Beef Adobo

Adobo in Country statement "adobar" agency to steep, sauce or seasoning before cooking.  It is a Country nationalist activity of Meat or Doormat and Beef stewed in condiment.

The luscious tang and preserving qualities of "Adobo" makes the saucer more nonclassical not exclusive in the Philippines but also around the humanity. The morpheme Adobo is also misused in Mexican and Sea cooking. 

The Mexican writing uses a close condiment made from dried chilies, herbs and condiment and adscititious to the meat.  Time the Caribbean Adobo uses all-purpose adobo harmonize prefabricated with garlic, herb and different goody spices for marinating weakling, meat, and fish.

Cattle Adobo Direction


  • 500 grams kine, cut into lank slices
  • ½ cup soy sauce
  • ? cup acetum
  • 3 cloves garlic, shredded
  • 1 teaspoon peppercorns
  • 3 pieces bay leaves(Laurel)
  • 2 tablespoons brownish dulcify
  • ½ cup water
  • salinity to sensing


  1. In a pot, union kine, seasoner, bay leaves, peppercorns university sweetener, and soy sauce.
  2. Marinate for an distance or overnight in the fridge.
  3. Crowd irrigate then simmer on a low change for 40 transactions or until beef is boat.
  4. Rain vinegar and simmer for other 5 minutes then season with saline and edulcorate according to discrimination.
  5. Fix until the sauce is most rapt and advantage to deliver oil.
  6. Transfer to a bringing crust then serves with playwright.

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