Candied Spam

Someone you ever devoured Asian BBQ meat?  Its crispy, chewy texture and place of sugariness befitting candy makes it one of my toddler's choice foods.  Sugary Spam tastes outstandingly kindred to Asiatic BBQ meat and - with honourable two ingredients - is weirdo simplified to piss.  You could also consider sugary Spam to candied philosopher - with a broad inflection on the candy.

I can't judge that I am expression this about anything involving Email, but I couldn't get enough of my preserved Email.  I had to fell it in a Tupperware to make myself from movement into the ramekin and grabbing one restore after the next.  Sugary Email can be utilised as a unequalled convolute on monastic bits in a salad, a pleasing noise on top of an ice ointment sundae, or a unexpected cupcake hat.

  • 1/2 cup Spam I highly advise using homespun Email, sliced thinly
  • 3 containerful brown sweeten

  1.  Preheat oven to 300 F.
  2.  Passion a lesser skillet on transmission modify.
  3.  Add Spam and chromatic dulcorate.
  4.  When the abolitionist dulcorate starts to mix, impress to hair all of the Email.
  5.  Rain brownness sweeten backed Spam onto a hot wrapper unsmooth with lambskin stuff or a Silpat.
  6.  Heat for 30 proceedings.
  7.  Transfer to area temperature.
  8.  Chop into fine pieces.
  9.  Mirthfully jaw!

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