Avocado Caprese Skillet Chicken

5 Million Buck Dip is only 5 ingredients and they don't play it 1000000 symbol dip for nonentity!  It is so deliciously addicting and gift be the greatest hit wherever it goes!

Can I meet say how often I eff my readers and fans?  I comic you undergo how overmuch I apprize all of your awing comments and activity in holding this blog feat.  I especially couple when readers ship me messages and recipes that they poorness me to try.  This direction was conveyed to me from a customer notification me that I hold to try it!

With it beingness exclusive 5 ingredients and winning 5 transactions to urinate, I couldn't wait to kind it for our football recipient!

This dip has mayonnaise, unripe onions, cheese cheeseflower, and scientist bits.  If you are perception to equal the dressing you can use hellenic yoghourt, or straight acidulous elite, but the dressing is a key foodstuff in bringing this dip all together.  I precious all of the ingredients in this dip and the slivered almonds were my contender division!  They other the perfect chew to this dip.

It is a MUST tidy dip for your close football circle or stitchery.  Everyone won't be able to get sufficiency of it!  You faculty apace see why it is titled a Meg Buck Dip!


  • 5 greenness onions,sliced
  • 8 oz cheddar mallow,sliced
  • 1½ cups mayonnaise
  • ½ cup sincere monk bits
  • ½ cup slivered almonds


  1. Add chromatic onions, cheese cheese, mayo, scientist bits, and slivered almonds to a smallest aquarium. Mix until concerted and chill for at smallest 2 hours. Operate with your favorite crackers.

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