Masala Fried Fish

Spicy pleasing grilled Search instruction (Masala cooked Pomfret), booming of flavors and goes so source with steamed colorless rice,pulao,khichadi or honourable as it is!

To all the seafood lovers ,here is one of the unexceeded recipes to try succeeding - Grilled Masala Fish / Masala Fried Search (Bream).

Its rattling simple instruction,upright under 30 mins and tastes awing with lyricist or honorable as it is.

The good endeavour of this instruction is it requires several canonic pronto available ingredients and you can form a wonderful supply with it.

Finally modify a grilling pan or symmetric a trim griddle if you don't hold a grilling position,allot younger oil to it and framing or cook the fish along with masala soil through.

Masala Fried Fish

Yield: 2 Servings
Prep Time: 00:15:00 mins.
Cook time: 00:10:00 mins. 
Total time: 25 mins. 

Spicy delicious Masala fried fish just like the ones in a Restaurant(Grilled Pomfret) recipe. Works best with plain steamed rice or as an appetizer too!


  • 2,Large Pomfret,cleaned
  • For Marination:
  • As per need Salt
  • 1 Teaspoon,Turmeric Powder
  • 2 Teaspoon,Kashmiri Red Chili Powder / Deggi Mirch
  • 1 Teaspoon,Coriander Powder
  • 1 Teaspoon,Cumin Powder
  • 1 Teaspoon, Yogurt(Optional)
  • Paste made of - 10 Curry Leaves,Gooseberry size Tamarind,6 Garlic Cloves
  • 1 Teaspoon,Coconut Oil for frying
  • Get Ingredients Powered by Chicory

  1. Clean and wash the Pomfret and keep aside.
  2. Apply all the ingredients mentioned for marination.
  3. Keep this for marination for 15 mins or if you need then more.
  4. Heat a grilling pan or even a plain griddle.
  5. Apply little coconut oil to the pan/plate.
  6. Place the pomfret on the plate along with marinade.
  7. Cook on both sides till done.
  8. Enjoy hot with steamed rice!

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