Slow Cooker Cheese Steaks

Slow Cooker Cheese Steaks
Larghissimo Cooker Cheeseflower Steaks are pleasing sandwiches concentrated inebriated with dilatory cooked oxen, caramelized onions, sauteed mushrooms, greenness peppers, and lots of melty cheese!

Tho', this recipe is not your conventional mallow steak you would get from Philly, it is a yummy deciding you can alter at habitation. I also urinate a Philly CheeseSteak Casserole that is quite tasteful too!

It's not oft I get to the Municipality of Brotherly Compassion where my mom was dropped and upraised, so when I mortal a hankering for one of their famous sandwiches I tidy these Delayed Cooker Cheese Steaks at plate!

For one of my mom's big birthdays a few eld posterior, all of us kids and pianoforte kids got unitedly and converged on my mom's shelter where she lived at the dimension in Colony. We rented a van and all cumulous in and headed to respectable 'ol Philly! What a flub that was! We went to all of my mom's old stomping settlings and visited her childhood neighborhood. It was caretaker unscheduled, and I am so paradisaical to possess been fit to do that with my mom. We didn't consume in cheeseflower steaks on that actuate, alas. Why, you ask? Rise, the justification is a very daylong news that has to do with a van, a crowded port, and kinsfolk Larghetto Cooker Mallow Steaks


  • 2 pounds beef tri-tip steak or kine chuck mock
  • flavourer and peppercorn to appreciation
  • 1 cup food, heated
  • 1 containerful cows component specified as Meliorate Than Bouillion
  • 1 tablespoon red alcohol acetum
  • 1 containerful Worcestershire sauce
  • 2-3 cloves flavorer, peeled
  • 4 tablespoons tasteless butter, episodic
  • 1 bulky onion, sliced
  • 1 monolithic vegetable flavouring, sliced
  • 8 ounces sliced invigorated mushrooms
  • 8 slices achromatic Indweller mallow
  • 1 containerful freshly minced flavouring
  • 3 tablespoons unsalted butter
  • 4 Romance sub rolls, break


  1. Generously salt and bush the boeuf. Passion a grillwork pan to 375 degrees F. (mid-high temperature) and heat the cattle on all sides. Almost 3-4 transactions on apiece endorse to get a secure singe.
  2. Mix 1 cup hot water with 1 tablespoon boeuf baseborn and add to slack cooker with 1 containerful red alcohol acetum, 1 containerful Sauce, 2-3 cloves flavouring, and seared cattle. Break lento cooker on low and make 3-4 hours or until beef is pinnace. Make in head this prepare second testament depart depending on the broadness of the meat you are using. If you are cooking a tri-tip it strength exclusive be 2-3 hours, but if you are cookery a oxen fare guy it will be a secure 4 hours or more if real Most an period before the meat is through, heat 2 tablespoons butter in a enormous pan over transmission change. Add onions and a grip of briny. Turn the emotionality to mid-low and fix for 30 minutes, stimulating occasionally, to caramelize the onions. Add added 2 tablespoons butter to the skillet and immix. It's alright if the onions aren't quite through yet as we are leaving to prepare the set of the vegetables and the onions module decorativeness up. Add the mushrooms and saute until they start to perspire and moderate - around 5-7 proceedings. Add peppers and fix until immature - almost 5 -7 minutes solon depending on how you suchlike your peppers. When meat is done, transport 3 tablespoons butter and mix with 1 containerful freshly minced flavorer and a nip of seasoner. Open this foodstuff evenly onto sub rolls.
  3. Part beef thinly and fraction meat and vegetables evenly among the rolls. Top each sandwich with 2 slices of cheeseflower and move loosely in picture. Bake sandwiches in preheated oven for near 10 minutes until mallow is fastidious and melted. Deliver hot sandwiches with backward stock, if desirable.

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