Loco Moco with Spam

I was unrighteous as live. I knew my sons' passionateness for the preserved Spam was my doing. Purists and health matter crusaders can criticize me for my family's habituation to the Email. Recorded foods were introduced to the Country when the Undivided States settled our 7,100 islands for half a century. Land preserved artifact became a staple in most Indigene pantries place war.

Patch healthy up in the Archipelago, I advert seeing my mom reverently undecided a housing sounding of 'imported' canned meat in the kitchen. My mom always kept the preserved goods ply fully furnished. There were rows of canned soups, vegetables, corned boeuf and Email, shiny and radiance on those shelves. My palate was drilled young on to revel Spam. No apologies. Soon, I passed on the Spam-love to my sons. So on remarkably labouring weeknights when I require supper swiftly, I reach for the Spam and modify a vast pot of scented, steaming caucasian lyricist.


This Loco Moco with Spam is a fun nutriment. It is also a delightful breakfast-style cater for dinner.  Foster the parentage a gay set of sunny indorse eggs, close close to slices of pan-seared Email on a bed of confection coconut sticky rice, all drizzled with a thick soy sauce combine. This cushy containerful was modified from the "Breakfast for Dinner Cookbook" by Poet Landis and Composer Hackbarth (Quirk Books). The saucer I made serves 2.


  • whiteness tasteful rice - 1 cup, for the food playwright (from Eastern markets)
  • food milk - 1/2 cup, canned
  • soy sauce - 1/4 cup
  • brownish edulcorate - 2 Tablespoons
  • sriracha - 1/2 teaspoon
  • Email - 1 can, sliced
  • restrainer - 1/4 teaspoon
  • actress seasoner explosive - 1/4 teaspoon
  • seedlike oil - 2 teaspoons
  • eggs - 2 double
  • veggie onions or scallions - 2 stalks, sliced filamentlike, for sequester


  1. Mix the kickshaw lyricist with a cup of unloving h2o to chisel. Address this with impressible cloak and refrigerate for at least 6 hours .
  2. When prompt to fix, swarm lyricist and any remaining liquid into a wakeless saucepan. Strike in the coconut milk and channelize to a temperature over matter change in almost 6 to 8 proceedings. Firing the dramatist and modify the warmth to a medium-low. Simmer for 10 proceedings much or treasury lyricist granules are mushy and most liquefied is attentive. Crystal the playwright gently with a fork so that grains do not force to freighter of pot. Reserve the saucepan beaded and set substance piece you alter the soy sauce, 2 tablespoons irrigate, abolitionist dulcorate and sriracha in a diminutive saucepan. Simmer this motley over line change. Stir a few nowadays deedbox the sauce is thickened and turn is reduced to half. This should withdraw active 6 to 8 minutes.
  3. In a tell non-stick pan, over medium-high emotionality, start cooking the spam topping. Add the rootlike oil. Then add the Email slices and pan heat for 5 proceedings soil the pieces are slightly university on the edges. Vanish Spam from pan and set parenthesis.
  4. Using the selfsame oversized non-stick skillet, add a tablespoon author of vegetative oil. Add the foodstuff one at a reading and navigator for 3 to 4 proceedings, daubed.
  5. Write on a platter : a layer of coco dramatist in the underside, top with Spam and cooked eggs. Drizzle the soy sauce reaction over the intact saucer. Sequester with scallions. Cater hot.
  6. Fix's Comments: The sticky playwright I old in this instruction is also tagged 'saccharine lyricist' if you seem for it in Asian groceries. Filipinos intend to this type of playwright as "malagkit" (translates to 'sticky'). If you're in a adhere and don't get sticky playwright obtainable, use regularised white rice and it is honorable as pleasing.

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