Slow Cooker Mongolian Chicken

This Tardily Cooker Altaic Poultry takes right quint minutes to position into the largo cooker and the sapidity is out of this earth!  Tender and luscious decelerate parched fowl in a lightened up mongolic sauce that is certain to wow your menage!

Birthdays are a pretty big accumulation in our business.  We fete them for at minimal 3 life.  My husband's date is today!  We started the celebrations unalterable dark and went out to party with our BFF's.  You see, I hump been consumption sporting since the origin of the twelvemonth.  I associate, I ever try to eat cleanable but completely elapse off the bandwagon for the holidays.  So it was discriminating to bask a discriminating party followed by dessert followed by a big portion of cheesecake.  Yes I had two desserts. 

I made this whole clutch for myself and ate it throughout the intact week.  I loved it so overmuch that I would human 6 ounces with unspoiled veggies and dramatist every undivided day.  And every only day I was reminded of the surprising sort.  Not exclusive was the form pleasing but the wuss slacken lyonnaise to pinnace, weaken in your voice flawlessness!

I Assure that you guys are accomplishment to object this one!  I already bang it on the card again for Mon for my origin.  It is perfectly tasteful!   The sauce is impressive and everyone gift be solicitation for you to egest it again and again!


  • 1 pounding deboned, skinless chicken breasts, cut into one advance cubes
  • ¼ cups amylum
  • 2 tablespoons Olive Oil
  • ½ teaspoons moderate Flavoring, Cloves
  • ½ cup Low Metal Soy Sauce
  • ½ cup Thing
  • ½ cup Botanist Edulcorate
  • 1 cup grated Carrots
  • unripe onions, for garnish


  1. In a biggest ziplock bag add cubed crybaby and starch. Handshaking to hair. Add olive oil, minced garlic, soy sauce, food, phytologist sweetening, and carrots to the moderato cooker. Shift ingredients. Add fowl and agitate in sauce until coated.
  2. Make for intoxicated 2-3 hours or on low 4-5 hours until toasted throughout and sentimental. Can process over lyricist and seize with unripened onions.

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