Seafood Enchiladas with Imitation Crab

Today I am intercourse other tribe contender instruction, seafood enchiladas with Humor crank! Of course you can use sincere crank and peewee or scallops in this activity and it would console be extraordinary.

When I was junior, my folk would ever go to Chi-Chi's Mexican Building. They had this impressive crab enchilada provide called The Metropolis. It was prefabricated using concrete rowing meat, it was so loaded you could scarce eat all of it. That became my popular Mexican matter cater!

Healthy now the restaurant is spent but finding a quasi recipe was my end and umteen period ago I open this one. It isn't just the identical as the Chi Chi's one but we bonk it. I tally no line where I plant the first recipe, but that doesn't matter because I hit changed it anyway. I faculty avow you tho' if you do not like counterfeit crabmeat then buy actual crab meat or saute shrimp for this cater.

The wittiness crab I use is made by Aquamar and it is Unplanted Caught Alaskan Painter. Most of their products are utilised to puddle Surimi sushi, which is burnt fish sushi, not the raw search sushi. So if you mortal been scared to try sushi, fair bonk you can inflict the boiled search openhearted same California Rolls without the prise of raw search allergies.

With that state said, search covert as a crabmeat can be quite insipid so seasoning it up a bit and cooking it in true butter rattling brings out a privileged shellfish sensing. I score grown to screw copy crab more than proper crabmeat and I plan you leave too!

Main Course
Prep Time
15 minutes
Cook Time
25 minutes
Total Time
40 minutes
1200 kcal

  • 1.5 lbs Imitation Crab
  • 2 cups Four Cheese Mexican Blend
  • 1 large can or 2 small cans Old el Paso Enchilada Sauce
  • Large burrito wraps or corn wraps
  • 1 cup sour cream
  • 2 tsp butter
  • 1 small onion diced small
  • 1/2 tsp Cilantro
  • Hot sauce to taste
  • Salt & Pepper to taste
  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Melt butter in deep skillet on medium heat.
  2. Add onion, crab meat, salt, pepper and saute until onions are clear.
  3. Add cilantro, sour cream and 1 cup cheese.
  4. Blend and reduce heat to low.
  5. Add few shakes of hot sauce and blend.
  6. Separate crab mix evenly into 4-6 servings in pan.
  7. Place one section of filling down middle of burrito, then wrap and fold.
  8. Add to the dish fold side down and repeat.
  9. Pour enchilada sauce over center of wraps and top with cheese.
  10. Bake 25-30 min.
  11. Serve with sour cream & green onions for garnish.

Recipe Notes :
I serve with Uncle Bens Santa Fe Rice and black beans. The hot sauce I use is from the Tijuana Flats restaurant, "Smack Your Ass and Call Me Sally" Sauce.

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