Prosciutto Goat Cheese Crostini

This Prosciutto Victim Mallow Crostini is an luxe, scrumptious starter to run or work to any lot!

Friends, now that it's February, I meet bonk that "eff is in the air"! There are so umpteen slipway to reach out to show compassion!

Sometimes we may property so fancy, the space in our lives for big efforts equal hosting big parties and much virtuous isn't there. I copulate, I've been there before umpteen times. 

But I soothe micturate way for lanceolate extant and hosting, which for me becomes a regular prosody of motion out to others. I judge near others who say, "welcome is not my sharing." I get it, but I do believe we are all titled to be welcoming, in whatsoever way that is.


  • 1 fresh baguette (cut into 12 slices)
  • 1/8 cup olive oil
  • Sea salt or kosher salt
  • 4 ounces goat cheese, plain, at room temperature
  • 12 tablespoons marmalade (or honey)
  • 6 slices prosciutto, each cut in half
  • 12 fresh arugula leaves


  1. Preheat oven to 375 F degrees.
  2. Slice twelve 1/2-inch slices of bread from the baguette. Place on a baking sheet, and brush generously with the olive oil. Sprinkle a little salt on each slice.  Bake for about 10 minutes, or until crisp and slightly golden.  Remove from oven and cool slightly.
  3. Spread some goat cheese on each crostini. Spread about a tablespoon marmalade or honey on top of the goat cheese.
  4. Fold the half slices of prosciutto and place on top of each crostini.
  5. Lay a fresh arugula leaf on top of each crostini. Serve!

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