Dutch Christmas Log

Banketstaaf is an amazingly easy Dutch pastry recipe that takes best 10 minutes to assemble. Oven will do the rest of the paintings.

Flaky puff pastry is stuffed with a combination of sweet almond paste and orange zest, rolled into a log and baked until crispy perfection. Dutch Christmas Log is the easy and scrumptious excursion deal with made in no time.

Banket (Dutch Christmas Log)
Prep Time 10 mins
Cook Time 25 mins
Total Time 35 mins
Banket is an easy and scrumptious Christmas dessert concept! Flaky puff pastry is stuffed with a aggregate of candy almond paste and orange zest, rolled into a log and baked until crispy perfection. This easy Dutch pastry tastes awesome.
Course: Dessert
Cuisine: Dutch
Keyword: Christmas, dessert, Dutch recipes
Servings: 10
Calories: 317 kcal

  • 2 tbsp sliced almonds
  • 3 tbsp flour
  • 1 orange zested
  • 14 oz sheet puff pastry defrosted
  • 10 oz almond paste
  • 1 egg beaten
  • 3 tbsp apricot jam
  • 1 tbsp powdered sugar


  1. Preheat the oven 425 F and cover a square baking sheet with a parchment paper.
  2. On a gently floured floor, roll out the puff pastry into a large rectangle, 2 inches shorter than the length of your baking sheet.
  3. Cut the pastry in 1/2 lengthwise.
  4. In a medium bowl, combine the almond paste with the 
  5. Orange zest and knead till combined*. (See the notes concerning the almond paste)
  6. Divide almond paste into 2 even portions and roll each peace into a log approximately 1 inch shorter than the length of puff pastry.
  7. Vicinity one almond go browsing one 1/2 of puff pastry. Brush the edges of the pastry with a overwhelmed egg.
  8. Fold 2 shorter ends of the pastry to cowl the almond log. Fold 2 longer ends over the almond log and turn the log in order that the seam became at the bottom.
  9. Repeat with the two 2nd sheet of puff pastry.
  10. Transfer the logs onto a prepared baking sheet, brush with the beaten egg and bake for approximately 25 minutes till barely brown on top.
  11. Meanwhile placed apricot jam in a microwave-secure dish and heat for approximately 20-30 seconds till jam is runny.
  12. Brush baked logs with the apricot jam, sprinkle with sliced almonds and dirt with confectioners sugar.
  13. Serve with a cup of warm tea or coffee!
  14. Bear in mind to download my unfastened ecu consolation meals e-book.

Recipe Notes

  • In this recipe I used 7 oz Almond paste pack from Odense (I bought 2 of those) and 14 oz puff pastry sheet from Dufour.
  • If you buy puff pastry in 17.3 oz pack from Pepperidge Farm with 2 sheets inside, I recommend either to use just 1 puff pastry sheet and reduce the amount of Almond Paste to 7 or 8 oz per sheet, or use both puff pastry sheets and increase the amount of Almond Paste to 14 oz.

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