The Best Oven Fried Chicken

The pleasant oven fried bird – Crispy on the outdoor and soft at the inner, and baked proper within the oven for easy cleanup.

The holidays have all started!  you can feel the festive ecosystem at each step! 

And of direction, no matter all of the obligations, we have taken the time to take our kids and their buddies to the mall to spend a while collectively, and take images subsequent to the large Christmas tree and golden chariot with a whole lot of save-offered items.

While we got here home, we have been still in a great mood, and each person was thrilled with toys, clothes and adorns , but something became lacking… a tasty meal, like the one at KFC.
I remembered a recipe that is equal to KFC, however instead of fried chicken, plenty healthier OVEN FRIED chook turned into served. children, perhaps because of the festive ecosystem or but an excellent recipe, didn’t word the difference in taste, and for me the most critical thing was that this meal is prepared in a more fit manner and the mood and exuberance have been still there!

The Best Oven Fried Chicken

Prep time 15 mins
Cook time25 mins
Total time40 mins

The best oven fried chicken - Crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, and baked right in the oven for easy cleanup.
Serves: 4-5


  • 3 chicken breasts, trimmed and cut into 3 strips each
  • 1⁄4 cup butter
  • 1 cup flour
  • ½ teaspoon pepper
  • 2 teaspoons paprika
  • ½ cup Panko breadcrumbs
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • chopped parsley for garnish
  • Marinara Sauce, for dipping
  • 1 teaspoon garlic powder


  1. Vicinity bird breast strips in a bowl of milk. allow it soak for 20-30 min.
  2. Preheat oven to four hundred degrees.
  3. Reduce butter into some portions and region in a 9x13 pan. melt butter in pre-heated oven.
  4. Unfold melted butter round the bottom of the pan, make certain that there aren't any dry spots.
  5. Upload flour, breadcrumbs, garlic powder, salt, pepper and paprika in a massive ziploc bag.
  6. Shake extra milk off of chicken, and upload 1/2 of bird stripes at a time to ziploc and shake to coat.
  7. Set up coated hen strips on the baking sheet, leaving a space among every strip.
  8. Bake 10 to 12 minutes, turn hen with a couple of tongs, and bake for each different 10 to twelve minutes.
  9. You need it to be cooked through, but now not overdone and dry. Bake each other 5-10 mins if wished.
  10. Eliminate from the oven and drain the fowl to paper towels. Serve at once and experience.

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